School Purpose | School Policies
At Hughes Primary we aim to provide opportunities for all students to reach their potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically. We are committed to continuous improvement and achieving excellence in learning and teaching. This is evidenced through the development of school-based policies and procedures endorsed by our school board.
Student Well-being and Management
At Hughes Primary School there is a consistent, school-wide approach to student management aimed at creating a safe, caring environment in which both staff and students can work productively.
The Hughes Primary School Student Welfare and Management Policy reflects the school's C.A.R.E. (Co-operation, Attitude, Respect, Excellence) values and promotes harmony and respect for others and the environment. Implicit in this philosophy is the expectation that students will exercise self discipline, accept ownership of their behaviour and take responsibility for it.
The Hughes Primary School Student Welfare and Management Policy aims to:
- create a safe and friendly environment in which teachers can exercise their right to teach and students their right to learn without inappropriate interruption
- assist children to make responsible choices about their behaviour and accept the consequences of those choices
- implement an approach to behaviour management which is consistent throughout the school
- create a climate of mutual respect in which children, teachers and parents can work together to help children solve their problems in a creative and supportive manner
Examples of the supportive practices used:
- School and class rules are developed in a collaborative manner
- Rules and consequences are clearly defined and discussed during class meetings, SRC meetings and assemblies
- Class meetings are held regularly to allow children to explore issues in a safe environment
- Parent involvement throughout the school is encouraged and welcomed
- Support programs such as peer support, preschool buddies and learning buddies provide opportunities for students to learn and grow together
- Behaviour that supports our C.A.R.E. values is affirmed through class reward systems and presentation of merit certificates, School Leader awards, Hughes Hotshots awards and the 'You Can Do It' awards at assembly.
Teachers set regular homework assignments. School-related work carried out voluntarily in the home environment is encouraged by the school. For example, reading and/or writing for information or enjoyment, continuing work, such as, assignments and projects which form part of the general schoolwork.
Daily home reading is encouraged for all children.
Sun Protection
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and Canberra has very high levels of UV radiation. Childhood exposure to UV radiation is a major contributing factor in the later development of skin cancer. So to protect our students we ask:
- Children to wear hats when outside during school hours. Hats should shade the face, ears and neck, and have an 8-10cm wide brim or flaps. A "no hat, stay in the shade" policy operates for all outdoor activities during the months August to May.
- Staff and parent helpers to wear hats when outside.
- That sunscreen, provided from home, be used. Students must supply their own sunscreen.
- That between 11.00am and 3.00pm (daylight saving time) time spent outdoors by students is minimised and/or activities are conducted in shade areas.
Excursions and Camps
Excursions and camps form an important part of the education program and the expectation is that all children attend. However excursions and camps are usually optional activities for which parents will be required to pay if they wish their child to attend.
Camps in particular are an exciting part of the learning experiences available to students and parents are encouraged to allow their children to attend.